CULT-CATCHER CHAPLAIN CAUGHT IN LIES! Dear General Green, How are you doing? I am good, I have been moved out from Las Cruces southern prison. It is a blessing so far. I wanted to thank you for all the books you had sent me. First of all I was searched and all my Aggressive Christianity books were taken away from me at Las Cruces southern. The warden called me in and asked me if I had any books. I said yes, then the chaplain was present in the warden's office and told me that he never approved me to get them. I said he was lying cause you had been sending them to me for two years in care of the chaplain. He, the chaplain said that it was a cult and that you emailed him a very rude letter. I said I never knew nothing about it and if I could see it, he said NO! I know he is the product of the state, they scared him. I will not conform to changing my beliefs for the state or any one. I love the Lord and will continue to serve Him. I would like you to know that I am not afraid of the man, just God. The Muslims complained to the warden that your newsletters were inciting hate on them. I know different, any way, I would like you to please send me more of the series on Islam and any up to date books you have on ISIS, I want to receive monthly from you. Thank you, your brother in chains, AL November 1, 2016 (READ THE WHOLE STORY ON OUR WEBPAGE: JUST SCROLL A LITTLE WAYS DOWN, BELOW THE POPE FRANCIS PICTURE, WHERE IT SAYS, |